Mercury Transit.
(Mouse over for identification)

May 9, 2016 08:45
Canon 7D Mark II
Meade 203mm LX200GPS
1/500 second
1260mm (.63 Focal reducer)
ISO 400
North Central Ohio, USA

May 9, 2016 was another occasion when the orbits of Earth and Mercury align in such a way that Mercury is visible from Earth, crossing the face of the Sun. Any place within 250 miles of our location was under cloudy to mostly cloudy conditions, my Father, Steve (Rick) and I stayed where we were and took our chances on a break in the clouds. Around a quarter to nine the clouds thinned out enough to capture this image. Within ten minutes the Sun was completely hidden behind the clouds and remained that way for the next few days. On the image, there are very small Sun spots near the center of the Sun at the 9 o'clock position and a larger group at the eleven o'clock position just beyond the center of the Sun. Mercury (small Black dot) is located a quarter of the way towards the center of the Sun at the seven o'clock position. Given its small size and distance from Earth, Mercury appears 1/194th the size of the Sun. Unlike the Venus transit, an optical aid is needed to see Mercury.

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All content copyright D. Gulyas 1998-2016. Use without permission prohibited.
Updated: 2016.05.11